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《国土防线2:革命》白金奖杯列表详情 白金奖杯达成条件详解

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国土防线2:革命 白金奖杯达成条件 奖杯列表一览


#1Homefront®: The Revolution (国土防线:革命)

#2Cooking up a storm (用心调制)

#3Micro Machine (小玩意)

#4King David (吾王大卫)

#5Gogigui (北韩烧烤)

#6Fighting fire with fire (以火扑火)

#7Accessorize (自定义)

#8There are many like it, but this one is mine (它们都如出一辙,但这把唯我独享)

#9Adaptive warfare (自适应战争)

#10Surprise! (给你个惊喜)

#11The bigger they are… (他们越大)

#12Take me out (带我出去)

#13Guerrilla Master (游击队头子)

#14Silent but Deadly (致命静寂)

#15Danger Zone! (危险区!)

#16Mayhem 101 (暴动101)

#17Practical Mayhem (暴动实习生)

#18Professor Mayhem (暴动专家)

#19Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range (40瓦能耗的脉冲离子步枪)

#20Peace of cake (小菜一碟)

#21Peace in our time (和平时代)

#22Peace your pants (别尿裤子)

#23#Winning (首胜)

#24Minuteman (义勇军)

#25Son of Liberty (自由之子)

#26E Pluribus Unum (合众为一)

#27Everyone fights, no one quits (奋战到底,绝不逃跑)

#28Flash ah aaaahhh! (好闪啊啊啊啊!)

#29Welcome to the Resistance (欢迎加入反抗组织)

#30Red Dawn (赤色黎明)

#31Hit and run (游击战)

#32Heist of the century (世纪大劫案)

#33Declaration of Independence (独立宣言)

#34We Can Be Heroes (我们将成为英雄)

#35Land of the free (自由之地)

#36Home of the brave (勇气之乡)

#37First-Strike (主动出击)

#38This is our town, Nork (这是我们的地头,北棒)

#39Dear diary… (亲爱的日记...)

#40Oh a piece of candy! (哦一块糖果)

#41Fyre Starter (纵火犯)

#42Robin Hood (美国罗宾汉)

#43Striking Back (自卫反击战)

#44Part-timer (零时工)

#45Jobsworth (按部就班)

#46Inside Job (内部作案)

#47Conqueror (征服者)

#48Riding High (摩的大飚客)

#49Can't stop the signal (信号屏蔽不能)

#50It's a trap! (这是陷阱!)

#51Star of the show (闪耀舞台)
